Not only is this our first developed product from the early 90’s but it is the preferred choice of a large number of MS4 hospitals across the United States. Its stability, reliability and ease of use make it the best choice a MS4 hospital can make.
Premiers Electronic Remittance software receives remittance advice from Payers in electronic format. This usually is the ANSI 835 or fixed length formats. Premier in addition to our remittance software has created an Electronic Remittance History database to store all of the information available on the ANSI 835 electronic remittance advice. This data not only includes the basic claim information such as payments, deductibles, adjustments, Coinsurance, DRG, etc., but also includes the information from the transaction line level. Transaction line level information includes the reported charge and amount allowed for each revenue or HCPCS code. Reason codes for paid, denied, pending, and withdrawn claims are also stored in this database.
We can provide contacts at several hospitals that would be happy to share their experience with our remittance product.