
Admission Edit Software

This product allows the users to take control of an account from first contact with the patient and know immediately how accurate the information in the admission is. Premier’s Admission Edit products gives your users a score card of any errors and gives them the ability to fix them while the patient is available and motivated to expedite the process. Premier can customize a library of Hospital specific admission edits designed for your hospital making sure the account is accurate at the time of admission.

Denial Management

This module allows the facility to automatically produce Denial Work Lists that are assigned based upon file maintenance options. Users can work denials without ever leaving the IBM’s System i5 (AS400) platform and is seamlessly integrated with MS4. Automatically assign accounts to account representatives based on denial reason codes as well as hospital-defined criteria. Take actions to create adjustments, appeal, overturn, or close carrier etc. All activity is recorded and logged for review. The Denial Management Module Software tracks and logs all actions that are taken on every individual denial. This allows management to view and monitor how denials are being processed.

Financial Class Tracking Financial History DM Changes Policy Changes

Financial Class History allows users to view all changes to an account’s insurance carriers and financial class from the time an account is pre-admitted into the system. It will track all data mailer track changes. It also records every time an insurance audit trail, when it is verified and closed. Plus every time a guarantor is changed it will be recorded as well Beginning with a search screen, accounts may be searched by patient name or account number. An account’s financial class history may also be built into Account Based Inquiry.

Express Check In

Designed as a module for the SMS Med Series 4 ADT product, Express Check-in simplifies the outpatient admission process for pre-admitted accounts at arrival (where room and bed assignments are not needed). The Display screen is derived from subsets of lists form the department and date. The clerk sees only accounts applicable to that department and date.

Upon arrival, the clerk simply identifies the patient's record, selects the record and presses enter. Express Check-In also allows for rescheduling, cancellation, and no shows. The module completes all necessary processes for registration.

Cash Receipt System

Premier Software Associates' Cash Receipt System provides hospitals with the ability to input cash payments for patient accounts, and for non-patient items and services. The system can support various types of payment including active accounts receivable, bad debt, and miscellaneous cash. The easy-to-use system will print a receipt that can be handed to the person paying and can include the hospital/company logo.

When a payment is made, the detail information is recorded in a log file that stores the receipt numbers, payments, payers and type of payments. This beneficial information can be used to reprint items or conduct an audit of any kind. In addition a note is written in the Account note file. Payments are posted to the accounts and assigned General Ledger accounts through the standard MedSeries4 day end batch posting process.

The Cash Receipt System includes an on-line look-up that will enable a user to look up payments and receipts from their workstation. Reports can also be generated to list all payments made by user id and date. The reports break down the types of payment and payment amounts by the form of payment (I.e. cash, check or credit card) and can be used for daily balancing and auditing purposes.

Electronic Remittance and History

Premiers Electronic Remittance software receives remittance advice from Payers in electronic format. This usually is the ANSI 835 or fixed length formats. Premier in addition to our remittance software has created an Electronic Remittance History database to store all of the information available on the ANSI 835 electronic remittance advice. This data not only includes the basic claim information such as payments, deductibles, adjustments, Coinsurance, DRG, etc., but also includes the information from the transaction line level. Transaction line level information includes the reported charge and amount allowed for each revenue or HCPCS code. Reason codes for paid, denied, pending, and withdrawn claims are also stored in this database.

picture of products and services on a keyboard

Premier Medical Necessity

Premier Medical Necessity Compliance Verification (PMN/ABN) product provides user notification that payment on a claim, or a portion of a claim, may be denied because procedures reported on the account do not pass Local Medical Review Policy (LMRP) edits. PMN/ABN is an iSeries software application that interfaces with existing Patient Accounting and Billing systems to carry out these edits and provide user notification of edit results. Timely notification allows you to take corrective steps or to produce an Advance Beneficiary Notification (ABN) before services are provided. We are a Siemens Allied Partner for this software as well as their preferred vendor.

Premier Clearing House

Premier’s Clearing House and Claims Management is the only Clearing House solution, integrated (not interfaced), with MedSeries4® on the Market today. Together with Premiers vast knowledge of MedSeries4®, our goal is to help you send each claim out the door as clean as possible to ensure a quick positive response from Payers. Running the clearinghouse on the ISeries machine allows us access to the entire MedSeries platform, enabling us to write almost any type of custom edit. This is a powerful advantage over sending claims to a third party. Once the claim has been submitted, our Claims Management system provides ways to track the claim with continual status updates received from your payers. Our Remittance product imports each remit and updates Claim Management with the final result. Any issues? Simply look at the Claims Management worklist! This and many more tools, have been developed to help you get paid and not have to jump through hoops/systems to do so. Let the power of the system you already have, work for YOU!!